
GEO-EXPLO Services will take in hand your project by planning and running soil sampling program to highlight the potentiel in gold of your project.

GEO-EXPLO Services provides lithostructurale and regolith mapping services to define the first targets for yours projects or to help clients in taking decisions for next stages of the exploration.
Project management

With senior staffs, GEO-EXPLO Services provides successfull management of exploration projects from reconnaissance projects through advanced projects :
- Full Project Management from first foot on the ground to advanced project
- Implementation of exploration programs
- Planning and Running of pitting and trenching programs
- Planning and running of drilling programs (Auger, Air core, RC, DD)
- Implementation of soil sampling and stream sediment program
- Senior geologists and senior technicians to handle your project from grassroots reconnaissance to advanced projects
Exploration permit

GEO-EXPLO Services supports exploration companies in their exploration licenses research in Côte d’ivoire.